Vocational Service involves club members serving others through their professions and aspiring to high ethical standards. Rotarians, as business leaders, share skills and expertise through their vocations, and they inspire others in the process.
- The 4 Way Test - We take every opportunity to stress the importance of honesty, truthfulness and fair play in our respective vocations. One way we accomplish this is by reciting The 4 Way Test at every club meeting.
The 4 Way Test of the things we think, say or do -
1. Is it the Truth?
2. Is it Fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships?
4. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?
- Student of the Month - When we present Student of the Month certificates to deserving Plainfield High School and North Plainfield High School students, we use the opportunity to talk about their aspirations and plans for their future vocations. We share our professional and business backgrounds as a way of encouraging them in achieving their goals.
- Scholarship Program - We also use our Scholarship Program as an opportunity to discuss vocations and how our applicants can advance their education to achieve their goals, sometimes in our own vocational fields.